31 |
Patient: Doctor help me please, every time I drink a cup of coffee I get |
this intense stinging in my eye. |
- |
Doctor: I suggest you remove the |
spoon before drinking. |
32 |
Men 1845: I just killed a buffalo. |
Men 1952: I just fixed the |
roof. |
Men 2017: I just shaved my legs. |
33 |
I was sitting in a bar one day and two really large women came in, |
talking in an interesting accent. |
So I said, “Cool accent, are you |
two ladies from Ireland?” |
One of them snarled at me, “It’s Wales, |
dumbo!” |
So I corrected myself, “Oh, right, so are you two whales |
from Ireland?” |
That’s about as far as I remember. |
34 |
I can’t believe I forgot to go to the gym today. That’s 7 years in a row |
now. |
35 |
The inventor of AutoCorrect is a stupid mass hole. He can fake right |
off. |
36 |
A naked women robbed a bank. Nobody could remember her face. |
37 |
A police officer stops a car. |
Officer: “Your driver’s license |
please.” |
Driver: “I’m really sorry, I forgot.” |
Officer: “At |
home?” |
Driver: “No, to do it.” |
38 |
Why is women’s soccer so rare? |
- |
It’s quite hard to find enough |
women willing to wear the same outfit. |
39 |
I was making Russian tea. Unfortunately I cannot fish the teabag out of |
the vodka bottle. |