1 Avoiding reheating takeaway food in plastic boxes
Any time plastic containers are heated, chemical changes in the material mean it can leachmicroparticles into your food. If you can't avoid the takeaway boxes, try not to reheat food in them when having leftoversthem to a plate.
2 Using a glass water bottle instead of a plastic one
Canadian research from 2019 found that bottled water contains 22 times more microplastics than tap water, meaning someone who exclusively drinks bottled water would imbibe130,000 more particles a year, compared to 4,000 from tap water.
She recommends using a glass bottle when you're on the go, and filling it with water that has gone through a reverse osmosis filter, which can help to remove the microplastics in tap water.
3 Avoiding using cling film on hot food
"Cling film is bad: never microwave it or put it on hot food," says Donnai.
4 Using metal or glass coffee cups
The heat of the coffee will encourage the plastic to leach into your drink. Instead, bring a reusable glass cup for takeaways or consider drinking your coffee in a cafe.
5 Swappingplastic baby bottles for glass versions
To reduce your baby's exposure, you could think about swapping plastic baby bottles for glass versions. Alternatively, you could use other methods to sterilizethat don't involve heating, like UV light sterilizationmachines or with sterilizingpowder or tablets.
6 Stopping chewing on the end of pens
Donnai also suggests looking at other sources of plastic in your children's lives, including baby chewing toys or dummieswhich are particularly harmful because they go in the mouth. Similarly, she recommends that adults stop chewing on the end of pens.