Skipping sleep is bad for your brain, your DNA and your social life
We all know that missing sleep doesn't feel good. It makes you less able to think clearly, focus well and makes most people feel more moody. But a lack of sleep can do more than that. It can add an inch to your waistline, and it could also cause a little bit of damage to your brain.
It can damage your DNA
For many people, lack of sleep is par for the course due to their job. A team from the University of HongKong studied 49 doctors — half of whom worked overnight shifts — to determine if sleeping less had any effect on DNA. The results showed that the overnight doctors had more DNA breaks and less DNA repair gene expression.Researchers said DNA damage may be linked to an increased risk for cancer and cardiovascular, metabolic, and neurodegenerative diseases.
It can affect your workday
You might need a few extra cups of coffee to feel perky on the job after a restless night. But researchers say it doesn't take much sleep loss to make your job performance falter.
It can impact how you eat
Skipping sleep also may be related to poor nutrition. A 2019 study finds that people who get fewer than the recommended seven hours of sleep per night get lower amounts of key nutrients including vitamins A, D, and B1, as well as magnesium, calcium, zinc and phosphorus.
"Our findings suggest that individuals with short sleep duration might benefit from improving their intake of these nutrients through diet," said the lead study author Chioma Ikonte, in a statement.
It can drive away your loved ones
We've all had those days when we didn't get enough sleep and felt grumpy all day long. According to a study from the University of California, losing sleep can affect your relationship with others.
How sleep deprivation disrupts brain activity
A small study in 2017 looked at the cause of those sleep loss-induced mental lapses. Researchers found that sleep deprivation disrupts brain cells' ability to communicate with each other. The researchers believe that disruption leads to temporary mental lapses that affect memory and visual perception.