But now Sadiq Khan is to face his own humiliationas protesters prepare to launch an inflatable showingthe London mayor dressed in a bright-yellow bikini.
Organisers raised more than £58,000 online to pay for the blimp of Mr Khan following thefurore over the 20ft balloon, dubbed 'Trump Baby', which was granted permission to riseabove Parliament Square during the US President's visit last month.
The inflatable depicting a bikini-clad Mr Khan, which is slightly larger than its rival at 29ft, willbe flown in the same Westminster location on Saturday morning.
Yanny Bruere, the 28-year-old marketing manager behind the effigy , said he had been angeredby the Mayor's focus on political point scoring instead of dealing with soaring crime.
He said: 'I was just so irritated that Mr Khan took it upon himself to speak on behalf of the UKover the President's visit.
'Whatever anyone thinks of Mr Trump, he is still leader of the free world and should be accordedthe respect of that position, especially at such a critical time for the UK as we face separationfrom the EU.
Mr Khan today made light of the inflatable depicting him.
He said: ‘If people want to spend their Saturday looking at me in a yellow bikini they’rewelcome to do so – I don’t really think yellow’s my colour though.’