According to the paper, the plateau is super pristine mainly because there are fewer people living there.
"The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has a low intensity of human activity. The air quality is little impacted, the types of pollutants are few and the density is low, and the content of pollutants is similar to those at the North Pole," said the white paper, titled "Ecological Progress on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau."
Human efforts like green energy usage, construction of ecological towns and rural development also helped to improve the air quality, it noted.
Sixteen out of the 96 blue-sky cities in China are located on the Plateau, data in 2016 suggested.
The Chinese government has carried out a number of movements to improve the environment of the plateau, including cleaning river basins, subsidizing local residents and stopping factories and mines from polluting, the white paper said.
"As a result, the environmental quality and living conditions on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau have steadily turned better," it said.