“當今世界通行的規(guī)則是,正義的基礎是雙方實力對等;同時我們也知道,強者可以做他們能夠做的一切,而弱者只能忍受他們必須忍受的一切。”修昔底德(Thucydides)所著的《伯羅奔尼撒戰(zhàn)爭史》(History of the Peloponnesian War)中的這句話,可以說是唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)政府的哲學。因此,他的兩名顧問,赫伯特•雷蒙德•麥克馬斯特(HR McMaster)和加里•科恩(Gary Cohn),曾在5月寫道:“當今世界不是一個‘全球社會’,而是各個國家、非政府行為體和企業(yè)打交道并爭奪優(yōu)勢的競技場。”這個視角把道德拋在一邊,具有嚴重的潛在影響。而在所有領域里,氣候領域的全球溢出效應是最顯著的,該領域的合作也是最關鍵的。未能采取行動意味著窮國將深受其害。
This is the conclusion of a chapter on the economic impact of weather shocks, in the International Monetary Fund’s latest World Economic Outlook. The largest negative impacts of the shocks being made more frequent by global warming are on tropical countries. Nearly all low-income countries are tropical. Yet these countries are the least able to protect themselves. Thus they are innocent victims of changes for which they bear no responsibility.
這是國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)最新發(fā)布的《世界經(jīng)濟展望》(World Economic Outlook)中有關天氣沖擊的經(jīng)濟影響一章的結(jié)論。全球變暖引發(fā)了更高頻度的沖擊,受到最大負面影響的是熱帶國家。幾乎所有低收入國家都在熱帶,這些國家的自我保護能力也是最低的,于是它們成了自身沒有任何責任的變化的無辜受害者。
In assessing these risks, one has to start from the proposition that anthropogenic global warming is a reality. The intellectual industry devoted to denying this is well-funded and noisy. But its arguments are highly unconvincing. The underlying physics are undeniable. Furthermore, the empirical connection between rising concentrations of greenhouse gases and temperature is unambiguous. If little or no action is taken, average temperatures could rise by 4°C, or more, above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century. Aware of the lengthy lead times needed if effective action is to be taken, both to mitigate climate change and adapt to it (where inescapable), rational people would act now.
The main obstacles to such action are three. First, specific economic interests, notably in the fossil fuel industry, are understandably opposed to action and, not infrequently, to the science that suggests it is necessary. Second, free-marketeers, who despise both governments and environmentalists, reject the science, because of its (to them) detestable policy implications. Third, few wish to inconvenience themselves, let alone threaten their standard of living, for the sake of the future, or people in poorer countries.
So what is the evidence of the impact on the poorest of failure to act? The IMF authors start from our knowledge that higher temperatures make a range of weather-related disasters more likely because there will be more energy in the weather system. Such effects will include a greater frequency of — and greater damage done by — cyclones, floods, heatwaves and wildfires.
Furthermore, the increased frequency of extreme events will also do relatively more damage to the poorest countries. This is so for two reasons: these countries are located in the regions of the world most likely to be adversely affected; and they are least able to protect themselves against, or manage, the impact. For the median low-income developing country, with an average temperature of 25°C, the effect of a 1°C increase in temperature is to lower that year’s growth by 1.2 percentage points.
Moreover, the impact is long-lasting. These costs come from the adverse effects of heat on productivity, agricultural output, health and even conflict. Extreme heat is costly. Adaptation to extreme weather remains very hard for poor countries. We have witnessed this autumn the far more damaging impact of huge storms on poorer countries, such as those in the Caribbean, than on the much wealthier US.
It is possible for well-managed nations to reduce these adverse impacts. Countries with superior infrastructure, better-regulated capital markets, flexible exchange rates and more accountable and democratic institutions recover faster economically from the adverse impact of temperature shocks than others. Hot regions in high-income countries also cope better than those in poorer ones. All this supports the view that the poorest countries are likely to be the most damaged by rising temperatures. The populations of such countries are more vulnerable because they are closer to subsistence.
With the temperature increases projected by 2100 under unmitigated climate change, annual real incomes per head of a representative low-income country would be 9 per cent lower than they would otherwise be. This would impose large costs on their vulnerable groups. Moreover, such a forecast ignores the risks and uncertainties around any such estimates. A planet 4°C warmer than the pre-industrial average would be so different from the one we are now used to that the implications are in significant part unknowable.
The IMF’s analysis has a number of serious implications. First and most important, low-income countries need to develop quickly to be better able to cope with weather shocks. Second, their development needs to be consistent with mitigating the rise in global temperatures. Third, we need rapid improvements in the relevant technologies and their swift dissemination. Fourth, we also need to help poor countries adapt to the changes in climate already sure to happen. Fifth, we need to develop insurance against weather-related shocks to poor countries. Finally, a moral case also exists for compensating losers from the costs of the unmitigated climate changes being imposed by richer countries.
We should not let the urgent stop us from thinking about the important. The linked challenges of climate and development will shape humanity’s future.