Hillary Clinton May Not Need a Second Chance to Make a First Impression
Jeb Bush has his famous last name as a calling card, for better or worse. But Scott Walker’s name does not ring many bells outside Wisconsin.
無論是好是壞,杰布·布什(Jeb Bush)都有一個響亮的姓氏作為名片。但斯科特·沃克(Scott Walker)在威斯康星州以外少為人知。
Ted Cruz is not even well known in Texas.
特德·克魯茲(Ted Cruz)更是在德克薩斯州也聲名不著。
Republican presidential hopefuls will spend millions of dollars trying to get voters to remember their names and something that sets them apart. But the one White House contender who needs no introduction faces a different sort of problem:
Everybody knows Hillary Rodham Clinton.
每個人都知道希拉里·羅德姆·克林頓(Hillary Rodham Clinton)是誰。
She did not just co-star in a national soap opera during her husband’s eight-year presidency: She reinvented herself as a senator from the nation’s biggest media market, New York; reintroduced herself again, this time to the nation, as a presidential candidate in 2008 and then remade herself into the country’s chief diplomat.
She never left the stage.
Not since Richard M. Nixon mounted a comeback in 1968, historians and pollsters say, has a candidate entered a presidential contest with so low a bar for name recognition or so high a bar for changing voters’ opinions.
歷史學(xué)家和民意調(diào)查者說,事實(shí)上,自從1968年理查德·M·尼克松(Richard M. Nixon)嘗試東山再起之后,就沒有哪個總統(tǒng)候選人像她這樣,在剛進(jìn)入競賽場的時(shí)候知名度就如此之高,在影響選民看法方面又如此不易。
Their specific challenges are hardly similar: Nixon needed to recover from a crushing defeat that sent him into the political wilderness. Mrs. Clinton merely needs to rekindle interest in her as a candidate after a short hiatus from politics and a four-year tenure as President Obama’s emissary on the world stage.
But the campaign playbooks of Nixon and Mrs. Clinton seem to share some pages.
Nixon strove to show a more casual side by bypassing journalists and staging town-hall-style events — orchestrated by his media consultant, Roger Ailes — at theaters across the country packed with friendly audiences. Taking softball questions, he kept to his talking points and struck television viewers as more relaxed than the sweaty man they remembered from his debates against John F. Kennedy in 1960.
尼克松力圖展現(xiàn)自己更隨意的一面,在媒體顧問羅杰·艾爾斯(Roger Ailes)的策劃安排下,他避開了記者,前往全國各地的影劇院,參加市政廳大會類型的活動,那里擠滿了友好的觀眾。他回答那些容易回答的問題,并一直緊緊圍繞自己的談話要點(diǎn)。在電視觀眾眼中,他顯得更加輕松自如了,與他們記憶中那個在1960年與約翰·F·肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)辯論時(shí)滿頭是汗的尼克松不一樣。
“A lot of people who thought they’d made up their minds about him saw a different version,” said Kenneth L. Khachigian, a speechwriter for Nixon and later for Ronald Reagan. “That’s a prime example of someone who had a lot of perceived political baggage and who remade himself.”
“很多人自以為對他的看法已經(jīng)定型,但他們看到了一個不同的形象,”肯尼斯·L·哈契金(Kenneth L. Khachigian)說,他曾先后為尼克松和羅納德·里根(Ronald Reagan)撰寫過演講稿。“這是一個絕佳的例子:一個在許多人眼里背負(fù)著諸多政治包袱的人,重塑了自身的形象。”
Mrs. Clinton, too, has been ducking reporters and instead holding round-table discussions with carefully chosen voters in early voting states. (Aides say the questions those voters ask are not screened.) She has used the sessions to share lesser-known vignettes from her past: her mother’s impoverished upbringing; her middle-class childhood in Chicago; her work in the 1970s as an advocate for children; her juggling work and child rearing as a young lawyer in Arkansas.
On Tuesday, she spoke to small-business owners in Cedar Falls, Iowa, part of her second swing through the state.
At one event in Las Vegas, she sat with high school students whose parents are undocumented immigrants. It was a canny move: Young people and Latinos are two demographic groups whose opinions Mrs. Clinton may still be able to shape, Democratic pollsters say.
There are not many others.
Only 1 percent of voters have never heard of Mrs. Clinton, a CNN poll found in March (suggesting the network’s pollsters managed to reach a few people living in caves).
A larger number, but still just 11 percent of all voters, said they did not know enough about her to form an opinion, according to a New York Times-CBS poll published this month. By contrast, 43 percent said they did not know enough about Mr. Bush, the best-known Republican contender.
On the bright side for Mrs. Clinton, she enters the race with a devoted base of supporters, mostly women, who appear solidly in her corner. Women in big states like Ohio and Pennsylvania heavily favored Mrs. Clinton in the 2008 Democratic primaries, driving her defeat of Mr. Obama in those states.
Mrs. Clinton remains highly popular with African-Americans, college-educated women and single women, said Celinda Lake, a Democratic pollster.
在非裔美國人、擁有大學(xué)學(xué)歷的女性,以及單身女性中,希拉里仍然有非常高的人氣,民主黨民意調(diào)查專家塞琳達(dá)·萊克(Celinda Lake)說。
Scott Keeter, director of survey research at the Pew Research Center, said Mrs. Clinton’s profile in the polls was like that of an incumbent facing re-election.
皮尤研究中心(Pew Research Center)主任斯科特·克特爾(Scott Keeter)說,希拉里在民調(diào)中的狀況,類似于現(xiàn)任官員在爭取連任。
“We know from political science that a significant majority of the electorate, upward of 90 percent, know how they’ll vote,” he said. “You’re talking about 10 to 15 percent of the electorate who are in play, and then you have to factor in enthusiasm and turnout.”
The slivers of swing voters Mrs. Clinton’s campaign hopes she can sway include married women in the suburbs. “They love her experience,” Ms. Lake said, “and they like the idea of having a woman president.”
The unknown “wild card” is whether Mrs. Clinton’s chance to make history as the first female president will motivate voters who may be less inclined to support her, Mr. Keeter said.
Similarly, voters under 30 years old were far more likely to be undecided or to say they did not have an opinion of Mrs. Clinton, according to the Times-CBS poll.
“Even though she’s so well known, there’s an aspect of a slate that can be written upon,” said Jennifer Granholm, the former governor of Michigan, who is co-chairwoman of Priorities USA Action, a pro-Clinton “super PAC.” “Young people may need to be reminded about her.”
“即使她已經(jīng)如此知名,但仍然可能在某個方面進(jìn)一步給人留下印象,”密歇根州前州長、“優(yōu)先美國行動”(Priorities USA Action)的聯(lián)合主席詹妮弗·格蘭霍姆(Jennifer Granholm)說,“可能需要就她向年輕人做出提醒。”“優(yōu)先美國行動”是親希拉里的“超級政治行動委員會”(super PAC)。
The 2016 campaign is still in its early days, making this the prime time for the candidates to try to shape what the voters think of them. The later it gets, the harder that can be.
In 2004, the Democratic nominee, John Kerry, who battled an image of being effete, took a well-publicized hunting trip dressed in camouflage, hoping to show he could relate to voters who drive pickup trucks with gun racks.
2004年,人們覺得民主黨總統(tǒng)候選人約翰·克里(John Kerry)看上去疲憊不堪,為了消除這種印象,克里做了一次廣為人知的狩獵之旅,他身著迷彩服,希望展示自己可以與那些配備槍架的皮卡車車主選民有相通之處。