The "Foodini," as it's called, isn't too different from a regular 3D printer, but instead of printing with plastics, it deploys edible ingredients squeezed out of stainless steel capsules: "It's the same technology," says Lynette Kucsma, co-founder of Natural Machines, "but with plastics there's just one melting point, whereas with food it's different temperatures, consistencies and textures. Also, gravity works a little bit against us, as food doesn't hold the shape as well as plastic."
At the Web Summit technology conference in Dublin, the Barcelona-based startup is showing off the machine, which it says is the only one of its kind capable of printing a wide range of dishes, from sweet to savoury.
"In essence, this is a mini food manufacturing plant shrunk down to the size of an oven," Kucsma said, pointing out that at least in the initial stage the printer will be targeted mostly at professional kitchen users, with a consumer version to follow, at a projected retail price of around $1,000.
In principle, the Foodini sounds like the ultimate laziness aid: press a button to print your ravioli. But Natural Machines is quick to point out that it's designed to take care only of the difficult and time-consuming parts of food preparation that discourage people from cooking at home, and that it promotes healthy eating by requiring fresh ingredients prepared before printing.
Nevertheless, the company is working with major food manufacturers to create pre-packaged plastic capsules that can just be loaded into the machine to make food, even though they assure these will be free of preservatives, with a shelf life limited to five days.
The printing process is slow, but faster than regular 3D printing. Other than being capable of creating complex designs, such as very detailed cake decorations or food arranged in unusual shapes, the Foodini can be useful for recipes that require precision and dexterity, like homemade pizza or filled pasta.
Currently, the device only prints the food, which must be then cooked as usual. But a future model will also cook the preparation and produce it ready to eat.
The idea also comes with a social element too. "There's a touchscreen on the front that connects to a recipe site in the cloud, so it's an internet-of-things, connected kitchen appliance," said Kucsma. Users will also be able to control the device remotely using a smartphone, and share their recipes with the community.
最近一家名叫“自然機器”(Natural Machines)的公司稱他們已有可以打印食物的3D打印機。這似乎是要進一步證明現(xiàn)在3D打印可以用于任何領(lǐng)域。
這臺名叫“Foodini”的機器和其它普通的3D打印機差別不大,但是它的原料并不是塑料,而是將食材搗成泥狀裝進干凈的鋼制膠囊盒里,機器可以通過操作膠囊盒完成食物的打印。自然機器公司的創(chuàng)建人之一利奈特·庫斯馬(Lynette Kucsma)表示“Foodini使用的技術(shù)跟其它3D打印機一樣。不同的是,打印塑料的機器只有一個熔點,而打印食物的機器需要設(shè)置不同的熔點來適應(yīng)不同的溫度、粘稠度和食物材質(zhì)。而且重力也是一個很棘手的問題,因為泥狀食物不像塑料那樣,它會因重力而變形。”