You can use tofu to make many fried foods, stir fry, cook soup ... are very delicious and nutritious.
With 2 ways to make tofu at home you will have delicious, clean tofu bars without spending too much time.
Method 1
Ingredients: 1 liter of soy milk (can be purchased canned, no sugar), 1 lemon, 15ml white vinegar, bean mold, 1 thin cloth
1. How to make tofu is indispensable to make the soy sauce precipitate into tofu. Therefore, it is safest to use lemon and vinegar as a precipitate. You need to squeeze lemon and vinegar into a small bowl, stir well.
2.Using a pre-packed a mold, this mold is designed as a rectangular block box, with a flat lid to squeeze beans when finished. Lining the thin cloth into tofu molds! Using a baby's bucket is a pretty good idea.
3.The main ingredient of tofu dish is the soy milk. To be safer, you should buy the canned soy milk, sugar-free type! Cook the soy milk until it boils and reduce the heat to low for 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and stir well to combine the lime vinegar mixture. Let the mixture precipitate for 3-5 minutes!
4.Then, completely remove the yellow-colored water.
5.The rest of the water is the fresh tofu. You need to quickly pour the precipitated tofu into the mold, wrapping the cloth over it. Close the lid and press down the tofu with a heavy object to remove water. So simple tofu is done already!
6. Remember to cool the beans before you take the beans out of the mold! Taking it early is easy to crush tofu!
Method 2
Ingredients: 200g soy beans, 4 tablespoons vinegar; 1 teaspoon salt.
Soy soaked in cold water for about 6 hours, treat the skin, rinse several times with clean water. Put soy beans in a blender and puree with 0.5 liter of filtered water. Afterwards, repeatedly to remove all the beans.
Put the bean milk on the stove and simmer over low heat. During the cooking process, keep stirring the milk gently, as the soybeans are flammable at the bottom of the pot. When you see the soy boil gently, remove the foam, turn off the heat. Dissolve 4 tablespoons of vinegar with 1 teaspoon of salt. Put in a soy sauce pot and stir well to allow the beans to precipitate. Take a plastic basket, line with a smooth towel, pour in the cooked soy beans. Tidy up the towel, take a moderate weight on the surface to let the excess water flow out.
Lined on a soft cloth, pour all the cooked soy beans. The remaining young tofu is white, soft and fat. You can use it to make many fried foods, stir fry, cook soup ... are very delicious and nutritious.