Meticulous meal planning and strategic Sunday prepping for the week ahead have, so far, been merely aspirational, though noble, pursuits to me. I yearn to be the home cook who goes to the grocery store once a week, with plenty of reusable bags and a shopping list so streamlined it would make Martha Stewart nod in approval. So far, I am not that person.
When it comes to meal planning, making multiple soups is about as easy as it gets. (Photo: Ozgur Coskun/Shutterstock)
But I love to cook easy meals from scratch, especially when the weather is cold, and especially meals that will last me through the week or can be easily frozen for emergency hunger situations. That's what makes this proposed one-hour prep session for five days of soup seem especially appealing. I'm usually intimidated by the planning and procedures that is required of good meal planning, but there's something about the forgiving nature of soup (no need to worry about beautifully diced vegetables or overcooking an expensive piece of meat!) that makes this hour in the kitchen seem entirely doable.
Your first step is to pick out five recipes that share some, but not all, ingredients. Most soups have a base of onion, garlic, chicken or vegetable stock, a grain, a few vegetables ... you get the drill. Though I haven't found a grocery list app I love, there's several apps out there that will let you plug in multiple recipes to create an (albeit redundant) shopping list. Once that's organized, get thee to a grocery store!
Sometimes the hardest part of cooking is often the simplest: the grunt work of chopping, slicing and peeling. (Photo: Katrin Morenz [CC by SA 2.0]/Wikimedia Commons)
Let's say, as an example, you're going to make minestrone soup, split pea, creamy tomato, broccoli-cheddar and one more comforting winter soup.
Clear all kitchen countertops, get out your cutting boards and favorite chopping knives, put on your favorite tunes or podcast, gather your recipes, have a compost container handy to catch all those veggie clippings, and lay out five sturdy freezer bags, appropriately labeled for each soup. If you're plastic-free and have the room in your freezer, glass containers with spill-proof lids are also great for holding soup ingredients. Now, get to chopping!
Prepping tips
There's no need to dread making weeknight dinners if you do a little meal prepping in advance. (Photo: New Africa/Shutterstock)
Start with the onions first; they're the foundation of so many good soups. Chop them up and divide evenly among bags. There's no need to precisely weigh or measure any of the base ingredients — that's the beauty of soups.
Second, tackle the garlic. However you peel it, mince it finely and add to each bag. Continue with other raw produce (sweet potato, celery, broccoli, carrots, etc.) Once everything has been divided and conquered, seal each bag or container and stick in the freezer until you're ready to cook.
And there you have it! The hardest work is now done, now it's just up to you, your trusty freezer bags and a hard-working stockpot. In general, your customized bags of soup ingredients should last about six months — although hopefully, you'll get through them much quicker than that. Whether you're making butternut squash soup or broccoli-cheddar, having a homemade soup at the ready can make any winter evening a little less dreary.