“Would You Rather” is an extremely fun game to play with family and friends, especially when it is done spontaneously. You’ll probably be surprised to hear that scientists enjoy playing this game too, covering a variety of topics.
“Would You Rather”是一個非常有趣的游戲,可以和家人朋友一起玩,尤其是自發(fā)進行的時候。你可能會驚訝地聽到科學(xué)家們也喜歡玩這個游戲,涵蓋了各種各樣的主題。
Well, all right, science tends to be more complicated than proposing a “this or that” question, but the principle is the same. A study by Jack Levin, Arnold Arluke, and Leslie Irvine asked 240 students to read a fictional news story, whereby law enforcement was called to investigate a savage beating, but no arrests were made. Each student received a different fictional story at random, whereby the only difference is the victim: an infant, a puppy, an adult dog, or an adult human. Afterward, they were asked to indicate the level of empathy towards the victim.
A study was conducted on people’s empathy towards humans vs. animals in Northeastern University
Image credits: Jordan Koons / Unsplash
The study aims to identify the level to which respondents are emotionally disturbed by reports of human and animal suffering and abuse. The idea came from the popular view that the media seems to evoke greater emotional reactions and draw more attention from the public with stories that involve animal victims rather than human victims.
Levin et. al. illustrated this with Harrison’s Fund, a Duchenne muscular dystrophy support charity. They ran a fundraiser and used two versions of the same ad. Both of them had the caption “Would you give 5 pounds to save Harrison from a slow, painful death?” However, the featured image was different: one was of an eight-year-old with Duchenne, while the other was a stock photo of a dog. The dog version ended up attracting twice as many clicks compared to the version with the boy.
萊文等人以哈里森基金會(Harrison 's Fund)為例說明了這一點。他們舉辦了一場募捐活動,并使用了同一個廣告的兩個版本。兩人的說明文字都是:“你愿意出5英鎊救哈里森免于緩慢痛苦的死亡嗎?”然而,特色圖片卻有所不同:一張是一位8歲的杜興兒童,另一張是一只狗的照片。狗狗版的點擊量是男孩版的兩倍。
Image credits: Bernt Sønvisen
Though there were similar studies done on the issue of empathy towards humans vs. animals, many of them ended up being inconclusive due to how the nature of empathy is viewed. This eventually lead to further research that supports the idea of two kinds of empathy—these share certain components, as opposed to a single emotional mechanism.
240 students were asked to respond to a fake article, the victims of which were randomized
Image credits: Russell Trow
The current study gives a number of insights, the main one being the idea that the victim’s age was a key factor in triggering empathy. Respondents were the least empathic to the adult human victim, while infants received the most empathy. Puppies and adult dogs came in between the two human options, leaning much more towards infant rather than adult human scores.
Scientists suggest that the high empathy score for infants is because respondents view infants as similar to themselves, of their own kind. This idea connects to their second explanation that both infants and dogs are vulnerable, thus bringing human-animal empathy scores closer to those of the infant. However, neither of these explanations are confirmed in the current study.
It’s official—science says people are more empathetic towards dogs than they are with human adults
Image credits: KerriRae