Six (scientific) happiness hacks
Some people just ooze happiness: They always seem to be smiling and having fun, and let negative emotions and experiences roll off their backs. But if you think there's no way you could possibly ever be that way, you're wrong. Science proves that you do have the power to change your outlook on life. And it isn't hard, either: Most of the tips that follow are as simple as cracking a smile once in a while (yes, that's one of the tips). Here's to a happier you!
Getting your blood pumping releases endorphins throughout your whole body, creating feelings of happiness that combat a bad mood. Studies have even shown that exercise can help alleviate symptoms of depression. Any physical activity counts—running, indoor cycling, yoga, dancing—as long as you break a sweat. Even a brisk 20- to 30-minute walk will help.
Flow through some yoga
When you start to see red, you might want to take a moment and flow through a sun salutation or two. Yoga can help ease depressive symptoms as well as anxiety, allowing you to slow down and focus on your breathing rather than your worries, frustrations, and problems. Try this calming yoga sequence from Kristin McGee, Health's contributing fitness editor.
Load up on leafy greens
Dark, leafy greens such as spinach and kale are rich in folate, providing 33% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA). This nutrient is linked to a decrease in negative moods and depression because it helps produce dopamine in the brain. One 2012 study found that middle-aged people who consumed the most folate had a lower risk of depression symptoms than those who ate the least.
Try cognitive behavioral therapy
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a proven treatment for clinical depression and anxiety disorders, and it can also help anybody who simply needs to learn how to combat negative thoughts. CBT helps patients recognize and then reverse harmful thought patterns by testing their validity and then replacing them with positive ones, leaving them happier, healthier, and in a better mood.
Buy flowers for yourself
A team of Harvard researchers found that keeping fresh flowers at home does wonders in keeping away anxiety and negative moods. People in the study also felt more compassionate toward others and they felt a boost of energy and enthusiasm at work.
While you may think of smiling as a reaction to feeling happy, some researchers suggest that smiling can also lead to joy. The simple act of smiling—even if you have to force it—might help to activate the happiness centers in your brain, leaving you in a better mood.