With 40 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 having at least one tattoo, long gone are the days when adorning the skin with indelible ink was an act of edgy rebellion. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t indicate daring behavior — if for nothing else than the health risks that come along with injecting ink into the skin.
Having the name of an ex permanently inscribed on your skin is one thing, but infection? That's something else entirely. (Photo: Todor Rusinov/Shutterstock)
Consider the following:
1. Infections (the obvious ones)
Infections from tattooing are nothing new, but the connection between hepatitis C and body art is more widespread than many people may be aware of. The blood-borne virus is the leading cause of liver cancer in the U.S. and is responsible for chronic liver disease in 70 percent of people infected with it.
2. Infections (the sneaky ones)
While tainted needles and unsanitary conditions are often to blame for hepatitis C infections, people can get infections even in the most sterile of conditions.
3. Sweat changes
A new study finds that getting a tattoo changes the physiology of your skin and the way your sweat glands work. (Photo: fizkes/Shutterstock)
According to a small study published in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, the amount you sweat and the saltiness of your sweat changes after you get a tattoo.
4. Allergic reactions
You might think that an allergic reaction from the process would dissipate quickly enough, but that's not always the case.
5. Mystery inks
Man has been ornamenting himself with tattoos since at least 6000 B.C., and with a wide array of media ranging from ash to inks that include metal salts, lead and cobalt.
6. Heavy metals
In one analysis of 17 black inks from five different manufacturers, a number of heavy metals turned up, including lead.
Tattoo inks often contain lead and other heavy metals that could be a concern for inciting allergies. (Photo: IvanRiver/Shutterstock)
7. Dibutyl phthalate
Researchers have reported finding the chemical dibutyl phthalate, a common plasticizer that is likely problematic for human health, in black tattoo inks.
8. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)
A study published in Experimental Dermatology found that black inks often contain products of combustion called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). They said the PAHs could "stay lifelong in skin" and "may affect skin integrity," which could lead to skin aging and cancer.
9. Your poor lymph nodes
Studies have shown that tattoo inks move into people's lymph nodes, one of the body's magical ways of filtering out organisms that cause disease.
10. And if you decide to get rid of it ...
If your level of tattoo regret has increased as your eye has moved down the page, you're not alone. Laser removal is the preferred way to remove them, but dermabrasion and surgical removal are also options — but insurance generally doesn't cover the cost.