If there is one thing I know from experience, for most people,their "roaring twenties" are a time of exploration, confusion, andutter bafflement. I was recently asked what I would go back andtell my younger self. Here are a few things that came to mind.
1. "Bad Boys" are best saved for movies.
Bad boys are not exciting, they are chaotic, unreliable, unfocused and 99% of the time, they willcheat on you and don’t have a proper job. Just because they wear a cute outfit, flip off theestablishment does not mean you should trust your heart or body with them.
2. You'll figure this out.
Life is a series of steps and lessons. You only learn by doing, and sometimes, that means doingthings you don't want to do, don't know how to do, shouldn't do and don't do well. Instead ofworrying about what is not happening, pay attention to your growth and take it one step at atime.
3. No one will ever live up to a fantasy.
We, as humans, are flawed creatures. The point is not to find someone who is your "perfectmatch" but instead someone who shares your values, loves you, respects you, makes you smile,can live with your annoying habits, challenges you to be your best self and appreciates that youdo the same for them.
4. Never chase anyone. Ever.
People who want to be in your life will show up. Those who deserve to be in it will act right whilethere. Pretty simple.
5. Save a little money every week.
There will come a time in your life when you have an unexpected situation and need a little extracash. Open a savings account and add to it every week. $100.00 when you can, $10.00 whenyou are really strapped.
6. Rude first dates do not get second chances.
There was a study performed that said that a first date is a good indication of what the relationshipwill be like. Pay attention to how your date speaks about and to others, his or her facialexpressions, and if they cross the line with you, leave.
7. Toxic friendships are a waste of time.
Define what friendship really means to you and be that kind of friend to others. If you're notgetting the support, love, loyalty and respect back-in any relationship-you need to move on. Nomatter how sticky or painful it might be initially.
8. Unless you really know someone well, do not travel with them.
9. Wit is sexier than a push-up bra.
I am not going to sit here and pretend that a man doesn't have to find you attractive in order todate you. What I am saying is that focusing only on taking hot selfies and looking "sexy" is goingto backfire. Yes, you get the initial spark of attention, but if you want to keep it, you'd better havesomething else to ignite a flame.
10. Remember, this is your journey.
You are in this life and it is yours. You are the one who has to live with the decisions you make andthe ones you don't. Loss is a very real thing in this life. You will lose people. You will loseopportunities. When this happens, will you regret not saying "I love you" or booking that trip orwill you know you said everything you needed to say and took every chance you wanted to?