each, as he disappeared, turning his face half round, and casting a casual glance upon a little group near another counter.
The group was of a very patient, half-frightened, half-puzzled looking gentleman who sat perfectly still on a stool,
and of a lady who stood beside him, rubbing all over his head a handkerchief full of pounded ice, and easing one hand with the other when the first became tired.
Basil drank his soda, and paused to look upon this group, which he felt would commend itself to realistic sculpture
as eminently characteristic of the local life, and, as "The Sunstroke" would sell enormously in the hot season.
"Better take a little more of that," the apothecary said, looking up from his prescription,
and, as the organized sympathy of the seemingly indifferent crowd, smiling very kindly at his patient,
who thereupon tasted something in the glass he held. "Do you still feel like fainting?" asked the humane authority.