the feeble, fluttering, thrilling, — oh! how thrilling! — pressure of the hand! the last fond look of the glazing eye turning upon us, even from the threshold of existence!
the faint, faltering accents, struggling in death to give one more assurance of affection!
Ay, go to the grave of buried love, and meditate!
There settle the account with thy conscience for every past benefit unrequited; every past endearment unregarded, of that departed being, who can never, never, never return to be soothed by thy contrition!
If thou art a child, and hast ever added a sorrow to the soul, or a furrow to the silvered brow of an affectionate parent;
if thou art a husband, and hast ever caused the fond bosom that ventured its whole happiness in thy arms to doubt one moment of thy kindness or thy truth;