第34課 大麥
I know some children who are very fond of growing seeds of all kinds in pots. Sometimes they fill a flower-pot rather more than half-full with moist sand. On the top of this damp sand they sprinkle some grains of barley, and then they cover them well with more sand.
The sand is kept moist, and in a week or two the children are glad to see pretty little green shoots of grass growing up.
But can grass come from barley seeds? Yes; barley is a kind of grass. And wheat, oats, rye, rice, and maize are also grasses, which once grew wild in the fields. These grasses have now been taken care of, or cultivated, for thousands of years;and so they have become much larger than the grasses which we still find growing wild in the lanes and meadows.
We shall not likely get barley plants grown in pots to produce flowers or seeds; for to do that they need the earth, and the rain, and the bright sunshine, which they get in the open fields.
The barley plant has long slender green leaves, and a hollow, jointed stem. At the top of each stem, a number of tiny green flowers grow one above another in the form of a spike. Each little flower forms a seed; and then the flowers drop off, and the seeds swell, while the green stem turns to yellow straw.