I'm heading for one of these unpopulated islands,and from a distance, it's an awesome sight. 我將前往其中的一座無人島 從遠處看 這的景色棒極了
But appearances can be deceptive. 但請不要被表面假象蒙蔽
People often think of desert islands as some sort of paradise, 人們往往把荒島 想象成人間天堂
but the reality is they can be the ultimate prison. 但事實上 這里往往是終極地獄
For shipwrecked sailors through the ages, 古往今來 諸多的船只失事早已證明
islands like this have proved the supreme challenge, 此類的島嶼神秘面紗之下隱藏著無盡殺機
and I'm gonna show you how the smart few survived. 我將向您展示 千古智者如何脫離險境
100 feet now.My first task is to get ashore. 高度 100英尺 我的首個任務是 上岸
With nowhere to land, I'm gonna jump.50 feet now. 蒼茫大海無處著陸 我必須跳入水中 現在 50英尺
It's too shallow inside the reef,so I'm gonna drop into the deep-blue waters outside. 近岸處暗礁太多 水位太淺 所以 我將跳進外圍深藍色的水域
Okay, Bear, off you go.Need to swim in through the surf now. 好的 貝爾 出發(fā) 看來我得從海浪里游出去了
I want to get out of this dangerous deep water, 我想盡快離開這危險的深海域
but that means braving the waves that break over the shallow reef. 但這意味著 我將必須破浪前行
There's only a few feet of water between me and the sharp coral reef beneath. 我和尖銳的珊瑚礁 相隔僅僅幾英尺
Coral cuts are a real danger,and blood in the water can attract sharks. 若不幸被劃傷 情況將十分兇險 因為水中的血腥味能把鯊魚引來
But I'm through the breakers and into the lagoon. 但很快 我突破重重困難 進入淺灘
What I'm concerned about is that sharks are gonna love this sort of area. 我一直在擔心 鯊魚應該很喜歡這樣的海域
They can shoal fish in here and come to feed. 它們能夠將魚群趕到此處 圍獵進食
You just need to be vigilant, keep a good eye out here. 你需要非常的警惕 眼觀六路