Is my name too common?
Q: 很多留言問,如Andy, Eric, Jessica, Jenny這些比較大眾化的名字,是否太沒個性了?
Is my name too common? Does it lack personality?
A: 這些名字雖然大眾化,但是不至于太平庸;可是有些名字,比如John,就有些太大眾化了。
These names are used a lot, but they are good names. Some names like John are used way too much.
Is my name outdated?
Q: 上一個問題通常還會跟一句“這個名字過時嗎?”
Is my name outdated?
A: Spencer認為這些名字不過時,是經典、不出錯的好名字。有些名字是真的很過時,比如Bertha, Dorothy, 都是上世紀20年代美國女性喜歡起的名字;聽上去很老奶奶的感覺。
These names are not outdated. They are good, classic names. Some names are really outdated, like Bertha and Dorothy. These names were used in the 20's. They make you think of an old grandma.
Are noun-names weird?
Q: 很多朋友喜歡用詩意的名詞做英語名字;比如Rain, Wind, Tree, Snow......這些奇怪嗎?
Are noun-names weird?
A: 美國人聽到這樣的名字,會覺得你很嬉皮士!
名詞做名字不太符合英語起名的習慣,但是嬉皮士例外。60年代嬉皮士運動中,很多人把自己的名字改成了很詩意、大自然風格的名字;它們通常和自然、植物有關,比如Wind, Sky, River, Tree.
Using nouns as names isn't very common. But some noun-names are what Americans consider Hippy names. They are mostly related to nature, e.g. Wind, Sky, River, Tree. 但是除了大自然風格的名字,其它名詞做名字就會比較奇怪;Can I change the spelling?
Q: 不少留言是希望通過改變名字的拼寫,把一個原本大眾化的名字變得與眾不同。比如有位媽媽問喜歡Daisy這個名字,但是太普通了,所以給女兒起名Daissy可以嗎?
Can you change the spelling of a common name to make it more unique?
A: 這是個好辦法,很多美國人也會這樣做。比如Spencer的媽媽本名叫Gail, 后來自己改成了Gayle, 名字瞬間有性格了;Changing the spelling is a good way to spice up your name. For instance, Spencer's mom's name was Gail, but she changed it to Gayle to make it more unique.
However, you need to make sure that the new spelling follows the spelling and phonetic rules of the English language. Spelling like "Daissy" violates the rules. A native speaker wouldn't know how to pronounce it.
所以在改拼寫前,最好問一下身邊的native speakers, 讓他們給些建議;Make sure you ask a native speaker before changing the spelling of your name;起名建議、方法 Rules and Tips:
Movies, TV shows and Novels
Many American parents name their babies after characters from movies, TV shows and novels: 很多美國父母都是根據自己喜歡的電影、電視或小說人物的名字給孩子起名;如果你問美國人名字的來歷,很多人會說:
"I was named after the character from the movie/TV show/book..."Named after: 名字的靈感來源于
You can use names from old classic novels as inspiration: 可以用比較老、經典的小說人物名字;Some of these names are old, not used too much now, but very classic: 這些名字因為歷史悠久,所以現在不太用,但是是古典、好聽的名字;Or you can find unique names from new novels: 或者可以看當代小說,挑選獨特的名字;These names might be considered non-maintream. But since the novels have become so popular, so have the names, e.g. Katniss from the Hunger Games: 這些名字可能非主流,但是因為小說太有名了,所以這些名字也能被接受,不會太怪異;比如《饑餓游戲》的Katniss;二:明星、名人 Celebrities
Use celebrities or famous people's names as inspiration: 根據你喜歡、崇拜的明星、名人起名,也是不錯的選擇;比如美國歌手Prince當紅的年代,很多喜歡他的人就給兒子起名Prince;還有一些孩子叫Bowie, 靈感來自David Bowie;
It gives your name a good back story: 用這個方法起名,能給你的名字一個很好的緣由和背景故事;三:中文名 Chinese names
Use your Chinese names as inspiration: 可以根據你中文名的讀音、含義甚至首字母縮寫來起名;Pronunciation (讀音):如果有英語名和你的中文名讀音接近,這簡直是最完美的結合!
Meaning (含義):比如很多女生的中文名有“美玉”的概念,英語名不妨叫Jade, 玉的意思;不過用這個方法也要小心,畢竟有很多名字翻譯到英語會顯得有些怪;Initials (首字母縮寫):有些美國人會把自己的first name和middle name首字母縮寫連在一起,平時讓大家這樣叫他;你也可以拿自己的中文名這樣試試,常用的一些縮寫名包括: JC, TJ, JR; 關鍵是兩個字母,不要三個;