三十六 鏡 子 |
A. A. Milne |
阿·亞·米爾恩 |
Between the woods the afternoon | 午后的時光落到林間, |
Is fallen in a golden swoon, | 帶來一團金色的暈眩, |
The sun looks down from quiet skies | 太陽從靜靜的天空俯瞰 |
To where a quiet water lies, | 下面靜靜的湖水一片, |
And silent trees stoop down to trees. | 沉默的樹向樹鞠躬。 |
And there I saw a white swan make | 我看見一只白天鵝在湖上 |
Another white swan in the lake; | 引出另一只結伴成雙; |
And, breast to breast, both motionless, | 胸膛挨胸膛,不動也不語, |
They waited for the wind's caress | 他倆等待著風的愛撫…… |
And all the water was at ease. | 這片水多自在輕松! |
屠 岸譯 |