《生活大爆炸第三季》(英文:The Big Bang Theory Season 3)是由馬克·森卓斯基執(zhí)導,查克·羅瑞、比爾·布拉迪編劇,吉姆·帕森斯、約翰尼·蓋爾克奇、卡蕾·措科、西蒙·赫爾伯格、昆瑙·內亞、梅麗莎·勞奇共同主演的美國情景喜劇。第三季于2009年9月21日在哥倫比亞廣播公司(CBS)播出。講述了從北極回來的Howard、Raj、Leonard、Sheldon發(fā)生的又一系列令人啼笑皆非的事情。
I question your premise. How is a new suit going to prevent me from passing out in front of a ballroom full of people?
我相當質疑你的說法 要防止我在滿屋子人面前暈倒 買套新西裝有個毛用了
It'll give you confidence.
You know, sometimes when I'm feeling all stressed out about something, I go out and buy a cute top or a fun skirt and I have a whole new outlook on life.
只要我倍感壓力時 我就會去買件可愛上衣或漂漂裙裙 如此一來就會容光煥發(fā)
Don't you eventually realize you're just the same stressed out person in a cute top or a fun skirt?
你傻的啊 難道你沒意識到你只是換了皮囊 內壓猶在啊 穿可愛上裝和漂漂裙裙有啥用
Yeah, that's when I buy shoes. Now, let's see what we've got.
是的 所以還要買鞋子 我們來選選
This is nice. It's only one color.
這件帥氣 這件就一個顏色
Yeah, so? That's a lot of money for only one color.
是啊 咋了 就一個顏色還這么貴 豈不是虧了
Fine. Why don't you pick out what you like.
好吧 你自己選自己喜歡的
This is pretty sharp. No. You're wrong.
這件很犀利 不 沒門兒
This is great. I had a suit like this when I was six.
這件夠勁 我六歲時也有件差不多樣式的
Okay, I think we have a winner.
好吧 這件絕對無可挑剔
Where the hell'd you find that?
靠 你哪兒弄來的這件
In the prom department. It's ridiculous.
舞會禮服柜臺 這也太傻比了
Says the former member of the Corn Queen's Court.
Please just try this one on.
Okay. But anything I put on now is only going to suffer in comparison.
好吧 現(xiàn)在不管我穿啥 和之前的相比都只能相形見拙了
This is absurd. I look like a clown.
這太荒唐了 簡直像個小丑
So, Sheldon...how you doing?
謝爾頓 你最近如何
That's how you start a psychotherapy session? "How am I doing?"
你就這樣開始心理治療嗎 居然問這種蠢問題
I was promised a riverboat journey into the jungles of my subconscious.
Instead, I get the same question I hear from the lady who slices my bologna at Ralph's.
結果呢 我都聽到什么鬼問題啊 拉爾夫餐廳切香腸的女招待都問得出來
I'm sorry, I'll start again.
抱歉 我重來
Would it be helpful to you if I told you about my dreams?
我還是說說我的夢境吧 對你有幫助嗎
Um, I don't know, maybe.
我也不知道 也許吧
I recently had a dream that I was a giant.
我最近做了個夢 夢到我變成了巨人
But everything around me was to scale, so it all looked normal.
但周圍的東西也是同樣大小 所以相比之下沒什么差別
How did you know you were a giant if everything was to scale?
既然周圍東西都一樣大小 你怎么知道自己變成了巨人
I was wearing size a million pants.
Why don't we just talk? The talking cure.
我們還是來自由談話吧 自由談話療法
Classical Freudian. Good choice.
經典精神分析療法 不錯
If it will help speed things along, uh, my answers to the standard Rorschach ink blot test are:
我補充一點可能會有所幫助 我做標準羅夏墨跡測驗的結果是(投射測驗: 猜測模糊圖形以投射潛意識和內心想法)
A) a bat, B) a bat, C) a bat, and D) my father killing my mother with a hypodermic needle.
圖A 蝙蝠 圖B 蝙蝠 圖C 蝙蝠 圖D 我爸想用皮下注射器殺死我媽
Why don't I just start?
Sometimes people have trouble accepting accolades if, on a subconscious level, they don't feel they deserve them.
這種事時有發(fā)生 人們難以接受一項榮譽 那是因為在潛意識中他們自覺不配擁有
Do you think maybe that's what's happening here?
Really, Leonard? You're just going to try to recycle Adler's doctrine of the inferiority complex?
真的假的 萊納德 你是想把阿德勒學說中的自卑情結套用在我身上嗎
I could probably get that from the woman at Ralph's. And she'd let me taste some pieces of cheese for free.
這連拉爾夫餐廳的女招待都知道 說不定她還會白送我芝士呢
But it could be part of your problem. Let me give you an example.
但這可能是問題所在 我舉個例子吧
When I was eight, I won a ribbon at the science fair for my project, "Do Lima Beans Grow Better to Classical Music."
我8歲時 我的一個項目 "古典音樂有助青豆生長"在科技展上得了獎 授予了我一條勛帶
But my mother pointed out that it was just a rehash of my brother's earlier "Do Lima Beans Grow Worse to Rock 'n' Roll."
但我媽媽卻說 這和我哥哥以前的研究 "搖滾樂有害于青豆生長"根本沒差 只不過換湯不換藥
I felt so guilty, I gave the ribbon back.
我倍受打擊 于是把勛帶退了回去
And how did that make you feel?
Terrible. I worked really hard on that project.
糟透了 對那個研究我付出了很多心血
I stayed up all night singing the clown's aria from Pagliacci to a lima bean sprout.
我整晚都不睡 就對著青豆芽唱《丑角》里的詠嘆調(萊昂卡瓦洛作曲)
Go on. It wasn't my fault. I had never seen my brother's project.
繼續(xù)說 這又不是我的錯 我不知道我哥的研究
And my mother could've told me before instead of at the ceremony in front of everyone.
我媽之前本可以告訴我 她卻在頒獎典禮上當著眾人面說出來
So, I hear you saying you're angry with your mother.
這么說 你很生你母親的氣咯
Damn right, I'm angry with my mother. For God's sake, I was eight years old. She humiliated me.
當然氣 我恨死她了 行行好嘛 我那會兒才8歲 她卻這么當眾羞辱我
That's when the bedwetting started again.
就是在那之后 我又開始尿床
Thank you, Leonard. For what?
多謝了 萊納德 謝什么啊
If someone as damaged as you can find his way to crawl out of bed each morning, I think I can face a simple award ceremony.
像你這樣受了如此打擊還能每天早上從床上爬起來 我想小小一個頒獎典禮 應該不成問題
Wait, that's it? I thought we had a whole hour!
等等 就醬嗎 不是該有一整個小時的嗎
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
女士們先生們 晚上好
My name is Dr. Leonard Hofstadter, and it is my very great honor to introduce the winner of this year's Chancellor's award for Science
我是萊納德·霍夫斯塔德博士 很榮幸向各位隆重介紹本年度大學科學獎得主
and my good friend, Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
But before I do, I'd like to share with you a letter from Sheldon's mother, who couldn't be here tonight.
但在此之前 請允許我先宣讀下謝爾頓母親的來信 很遺憾她今晚未能親臨
Isn't that nice? His mother sent him a letter.
很溫馨了 是吧 他媽媽給他寫了封信
She's proud of him. I wonder what that feels like...
他為自己兒子感到自豪 真想知道那會是什么感覺...
"Dear Shelly." That's what she calls him. Shelly it's a pet name.
親愛的謝利 她都是這么叫他的 謝利 這是個昵稱
You know what my mother's pet name for me is?
Leonard. But I digress.
萊納德 我又離題了
"Dear Shelly..." Oh, dear.
What's the matter? I'm getting dizzy.
你怎么了 我有點暈
Don't worry. You're surrounded by your CMen.
別擔心 你的C戰(zhàn)警們都守護著你
I can't do this. I'm going to faint.
我做不到 我要暈倒了
Here, drink this.It'll relax you.
給 喝點這個 能讓你放松
Alcohol? I don't drink alcohol. Fine, faint.
酒嗎 我不喝酒的 好吧 那你暈吧
I don't feel different.This alcohol is defective.
沒覺得有何不同 這酒根本沒用
Here, see if this one works.
給 看這個有沒有用
First of all, the projects were totally different.
首先 那是完全不同的實驗主題
I was showing that classical music nurtures lima beans and makes them grow, but my mother didn't hear me.
我的實驗證明 培植青豆時給它們放古典樂能促進它們生長 但我媽根本不聽我的
If you'd like to look at the relationship between nurturing and growth,
I'd like to point out that my brother is eight inches taller than me.
我想鄭重指出 我哥哥比我高了整整八英寸(20cm)
I'm ready. right. Ladies and gentlemen, our guest of honor Dr. Sheldon Cooper.
我準備好了 對了 女士們先生們 歡迎我們的貴賓 謝爾頓·庫珀博士
Thanks, shorty, I'll take it from here.
謝了小矮人 下面我接手就行了
All right, you people ready to have some fun?
好了 大家準備好來點樂子了嗎
You have a basic understanding of differential calculus and at least one year of algebraic topology?
Well, then here come the jokes.
好吧 下面是笑話時間
Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip? To get to the same side bazinga!
雞為什么要穿過默比烏斯帶 為了回到同一側 逗你玩呢
All right, a neutron walks into a bar and asks,
還有 一個中子走進家酒吧問道
"How much for a drink?"
The bartender says, "For you, no charge."
酒?;卮?你買嗎 免費(英文音近"電子")
Hello? I know you're out there. I can hear you metabolizing oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.
有人在嗎 我知道你們在的 能聽到你們代謝氧氣排出二氧化碳的聲音
Looks like we have some academic dignitaries in the audience.
Dr. Randall from the geology department only man who's happy when they take his work for granite.
地質學系的蘭德爾教授 唯一一位別人說他"花崗巖腦袋" 他還得笑納的人
Bada cha! I kid the geologists, of course,but it's only 'cause I have no respect for the field.
巴扎嘿 當然 我是在拿地質學家開涮 那只是因為我壓根就沒把那當回事兒
Let's get serious for a moment. Why are we all here?
下面我們來談點嚴肅話題 我們今天為何齊聚于此
'Cause we're scientists. And what do scientists study?
因為我們是科學家 科學家是研究什么的
The universe. And what's the universe made of? I am so glad you asked.
宇宙 宇宙由何構成 很高興你提這問題
There's antimony,arsenic, aluminum, selenium and hydrogen and oxygen and nitrogen and rhenium
有銻 砷 鋁 硒 有氫 氧 氮 錸
And nickel, neodymium, neptunium, germanium. Everybody!
還有鎳 釹 镎 鍺 一起唱
And iron, americium. Ruthenium, uranium, europium, zirconium, Lutetium, vanadium
還有鐵 镅 釕 鈾 銪 鋯 镥 釩
Just the Asians! And lanthanum and osmium. And astatine and radium...
亞洲人唱 還有鑭和鋨 砹和鐳
Penny, Leonard. Would you be able to answer some questions I'm having about the events of last night?
佩妮 萊納德 你們能不能幫我答疑解惑昨天晚上我到底怎么回事
Sure. Question one...where are my pants?
當然 問題一 我的褲子上哪去了
You might want to check YouTube.
What do I search? It's already loaded. Just hit play.
怎么找 已經緩沖好了 直接點開看吧
All right, people, let's get down to the math.
好了各位 讓我們來聊聊數(shù)學吧
It is only three dimensional thinking that limits our imagination.
僅僅用三維的思考方式 會限制我們的想象力
Can I take my pants off over my head?
Of course not. My body's in the way.
當然不行 還有我身體擋著的(視頻名:物理學家斯文掃地)
But if we had access to higher dimensions,
we could move our pants around our bodies through the fourth dimension and our days of dropping trousers would be over.
就能通過第四維度 讓褲子繞著身體轉圈 以后就再沒脫褲子這么一說了
Oh, Lord... This couldn't be any more humiliating.
天哪 真是丟人丟到家了
Give it a minute.
Now, for the astronomers in the audience, get ready to see the dark side of the moon. And here's Uranus.
現(xiàn)在 在座的各位天文學家們準備好看看月亮背面吧 還有天王星在此
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