你們必須擦亮眼睛,弄清楚事情的真相?! 誤] You should wipe your eye and find out the truth. [正] You should ... [查看全文]
瞧,樹上有兩只麻雀?! 誤] Look, there are two sparrows on the tree. [正] Look, there are two sparrows in ... [查看全文]
裘德在鄉(xiāng)下有一塊菜地。 [誤] Jude has a piece of vegetable field in the countryside. [正] Jude has a piece... [查看全文]
因為沒有吃的,那個索馬里的小男孩瘦得像猴子。 [誤] That Somali boy is as thin as a monkey because of the lack ... [查看全文]
索菲婭望子成龍心切,給兒子報名參加了許多補習(xí)班?! 誤] Sophia hopes to see her son become a dragon, therefore she... [查看全文]
由于街道的擴建,道路兩旁矮小的房屋全部被拆除了?! 誤] The short and small houses on both sides of the road have... [查看全文]
爸爸總愛發(fā)脾氣?! 誤] Dad always likes losing his temper. [正] Dad is apt to lose his temper. 注:like ... [查看全文]
歐文按捺不住激動的心情,大聲喊道:我中獎了! [誤] Owen couldn't hold back his exciting feeling, and he shouted... [查看全文]
丹尼斯自己不努力,還老是眼紅別人的成就?! 誤] Denis himself doesn't work hard, however, he is always red-eyed... [查看全文]
夏天要多喝白開水?! 誤] You should drink more white boiled water in summer. [正] You should drink more pla... [查看全文]