改邪歸正 eg:The thief mended his way and worked as a hawker. 同義詞:棄惡從善 Eschew evil, and do good. 反義詞:誤入歧途 To have gone astray. [查看全文]
改頭換面 A changed version. eg:It's a new deal for a thief to work as a hawker. 中英俚語俗語來源:... [查看全文]
覆水難收 It is no use crying over spilt milk. What is done can't be undone. eg:What you have done... [查看全文]
釜底抽薪 Take away fuel, take away flame(fire) . eg:Mark changed his subject to calm the angry crowd, to... [查看全文]
扶搖直上 On the upgrade. Step by step the ladder is ascended. On the up and up. eg:Business of the... [查看全文]
扶危濟困 Be a good Samaritan. Help a lame dog over a stile. eg:Be a good Samaritan and contribute muc... [查看全文]
敷衍了事 Huddle over one's duty. To muddle through. eg:You huddle over your duty by your yes or no... [查看全文]
風(fēng)馳電掣 Burn up the road. Go like a shot. eg:The speeding motorcycle passed in front of us with ligh... [查看全文]
奮不顧身 Neck or nothing. At all hazards. To go all lengths. Take one's life in one's hands. ... [查看全文]
分庭抗禮 As one's rival. Keep at arm's length. At loggerheads with. eg:This product shares the... [查看全文]