Alack, what poverty my Muse brings forth, That having such a scope to show her pride, The argument all ... [查看全文]
My love is strengthen'd, though more weak in seeming; I love not less, though less the show appear: ... [查看全文]
O truant Muse, what shall be thy amends For thy neglect of truth in beauty dyed? Both truth and beauty... [查看全文]
Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long To speak of that which gives thee all thy might? ... [查看全文]
The forward violet thus did I chide: Sweet thief, whence didst thou steal thy sweet that smells, If not... [查看全文]
From you have I been absent in the spring, When proud-pied April dress'd in all his trim Hath put a... [查看全文]
How like a winter hath my absence been From thee, the pleasure of the fleeting year! What freezings have... [查看全文]
Some say thy fault is youth, some wantonness; Some say thy grace is youth and gentle sport; Both grace ... [查看全文]
How sweet and lovely dost thou make the shame Which, like a canker in the fragrant rose, Doth spot the... [查看全文]
They that have power to hurt and will do none, That do not do the thing they most do show, Who, movin... [查看全文]