A drill sergeant had just chewed out one of his cadets, and as he was walking away, he turned to the cade... [查看全文]
1. If you think you're fat, you probably are. Don't ask us. 2. Learn to work the toilet seat: if... [查看全文]
Manny was almost 29 years old. Most of his friends had already gotten married, and Manny just bounced from ... [查看全文]
A pianist was hired to play background music for a movie. When it was completed he asked when and where he... [查看全文]
Baxter Conners Vice President Company 203 203 Wall St. New York, NY 10015 Dear Mr. Conners, Thank... [查看全文]
One day a blonde kept having the same weird dream everyday, so she went to her doctor. Doctor: What was ... [查看全文]
Two women were chatting and one asked the other,"Mable, do you talk to your husband while you're having ... [查看全文]
No one believes seniors . . . everyone thinks they are senile. They were celebrating their sixtieth anniver... [查看全文]
Two older women are sitting on a bench waiting for a bus. The first lady takes out a cigarette and starts... [查看全文]
A teacher, a thief and a lawyer all die in the same freak accident. So when they reach the pearly gates, ... [查看全文]