Since the Beijing Winter Olympics kicked off on Feb 4, the cuddly Games mascot-a panda enveloped in an ice cry... [查看全文]
China has added seven universities to a list of those it aims to elevate to world-class status, taking the tota... [查看全文]
China's State Council has issued a plan to advance the construction of its emergency management system over t... [查看全文]
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has declared the Beijing 2022 Winter Games to be "the most gender-balanc... [查看全文]
New progress was made in Beijing's archaeological work and the protection of large archaeological sites, with ... [查看全文]
The Beijing Olympics has been running smoothly going into its second week of competition, said Yang Shu'an, v... [查看全文]
Beijing has made progress in the application for its Central Axis to be included in the list of world cultural... [查看全文]
China has released a development plan for the production of TV series, stepping up the regulation of the income... [查看全文]
China's drug regulator on Friday granted conditional approval for the imports of Pfizer's Paxlovid COVID-19... [查看全文]
China will establish an ecological compensation mechanism in the Taihu Lake basin to speed up water environment i... [查看全文]