Life Throws a Brick at Your Head 生命中的“磚頭”·Ralph Mondy·A young and successful executive was traveling down... [查看全文]
Our Kind LandIord 我們的好房東·Sammy·Two friends and I moved into a house off campus when I was a junior at I... [查看全文]
Carrot, Egg or Coffee 胡蘿卜、雞蛋還是咖啡豆·Jerome·A daughter complained to her father about her life and how th... [查看全文]
Life Is the Cookie 生命就是小甜餅·Martha Russell·One of my patients, a successful businessman, tells me that befo... [查看全文]
Advice to Youth 給年輕人的忠告·Donald·Being told I would be expected to talk here, I inquired what sort of talk... [查看全文]
Man Is a LoneIy IsIand 人如孤島·Evan·How wonderful are islands!Islands in space, like this one I come to, ring... [查看全文]
Keep WaIking in Sunshine 一直走在陽(yáng)光里·Anonymous·Years of storms had taken their toll on the old windmill. Its ... [查看全文]
A TurtIe Brought Me“EnIightenment”一只讓我悟道的烏龜·Michael Chase·Life is good, really good. Sometimes I feel lik... [查看全文]
The DaffodiI PrincipIe 水仙定律·Jaroldeen Edwards·Several times my daughter had telephoned to say,“Mother, you mu... [查看全文]
The Secret of Happiness 幸福的秘訣·Anonymous·Once there lived a king of great strength and wealth. Yet he was n... [查看全文]