Vitalis: Hello, my name is Vitalis. I'm from Uganda. Arranged marriage still exists in my country. Some few tribes still do it. And, well, it's not bad. If you think in the cultural perspective of preserving the culture. Yeah, letting the culture stay, it's not bad, but personally, I think it's not good.
David: Would you ...
Vitalis: From a guy's perspective, look. How do want to you get married to somebody you've never known. You don't know much about. I think it's not so cool.
David: I think arranged marriages nowadays is looked in two perspectives. You can know someone for a very long time, but you don't have any intentions of getting married to them, but the families, they know each other and you know they think these two would fit each other and live like a nice couple, so they tend to bring them together, and the other one is, you not knowing someone, they are just as surprised as going to marry this one. This is final. So which one do you think?
Vitalis: I think the latter one, is not so cool because I mean, you know don't anybody and you're being forced to get married to someone one you don't know. It's not very good, though there is this pressure.
David: Would you prefer the other one?
Vitalis: Well, you know, it's not so cool. I don't prefer any.
David: Arranged marriages?
Vitalis: Sure.
David: But we can't lie that it's still being practiced in Africa.
Vitalis: Yeah, it's still being practiced in Africa.
David: Arranged marriages is still being practiced in Africa, especially in the rural areas. They still practice arranged marriages, and sometimes it works out for the best but sometimes ... you know at least give someone a chance to make the decision.
Vitalis: I think so, giving somebody a chance to explore and at least find a choice of himself. A choice for himself is better, because it gives the women a chance to find somebody they love. It doesn't reduce the women to just instruments of getting married. At least it gives them ...
David: That opportunity to make their decisions, right?
Vitalis: Yeah, sure.
David: Yeah, so at least we can agree that we wouldn't like arrange marriages but we know it still exists.
Vitalis: Yeah, they still exist and still ...
David: It exists.