Quantum mechanics, though firmly tested, is so weird and anti-intuitive that famed physicist Richard Feynman once remarked, "I think I can safely say that nobody understands quantum mechanics." Attempts to explain some of the bizarre consequences of quantum theory have led to some mind-bending ideas, such as the Copenhagen interpretation and the many-worlds interpretation.
量子力學雖然經(jīng)過了嚴格的檢驗,但它是如此怪異和反直覺,以至于著名物理學家理查德·費曼(Richard Feynman)曾經(jīng)說過:“我想我可以有把握地說,沒有人了解量子力學。”試圖解釋量子理論的一些奇怪的結(jié)果導致了一些令人費解的想法,如哥本哈根解釋和多世界解釋。
Do parallel worlds ever cross paths? (Photo: Martin Brigden [CC BY 2.0]/Flickr)
Now there's a "new" theory on the block, called the "many interacting worlds" hypothesis (MIW), and the idea is just as profound as it sounds. The theory suggests not only that parallel worlds exist, but that they interact with our world on the quantum level and are thus detectable. Though still speculative, the theory may help to finally explain some of the bizarre consequences inherent in quantum mechanics, according to RT.com.
Digging in to MIW
It's just a matter of which universe you're aware of. (Photo: manjik/Shutterstock)
The theory is a spinoff of the many-worlds interpretation in quantum mechanics — an idea that posits that all possible alternative histories and futures are real, each representing an actual, though parallel, world.
Sean Carroll, a theoretical physicist at the California Institute of Technology, supports the many-worlds theory. It's the subject of his new book, "Something Deeply Hidden."
加州理工學院的理論物理學家Sean Carroll支持多世界理論。這是他的新書《深藏的東西》的主題。
"It's absolutely possible that there are multiple worlds where you made different decisions. We're just obeying the laws of physics," says Carroll, "We don't know whether the number of worlds is finite or infinite, but it's certainly a very large number."
One problem with the many-worlds interpretation, however, has been that it's fundamentally untestable, since observations can only be made in our world. Happenings in these proposed "parallel" worlds can thus only be imagined.
Not a new idea
Wiseman and colleagues have proposed that there exists "a universal force of repulsion between 'nearby' (i.e. similar) worlds, which tends to make them more dissimilar." Quantum effects can be explained by factoring in this force, they propose.
Whether or not the math holds true will be the ultimate test for this theory. Does it or does it not properly predict quantum effects mathematically? Regardless, the theory is certain to provide plenty of fodder for the imagination.
For instance, when asked about whether their theory might entail the possibility that humans could someday interact with other worlds, Wiseman said: "It's not part of our theory. But the idea of [human] interactions with other universes is no longer pure fantasy."
What might your life look like if you made different choices? Maybe one day you'll be able to look into one of these alternative worlds and find out.