While Chinese customers now account for 60 percent of the cosmetic surgery market in South Korea, the value of domestic plastic surgery market is booming with an annual growth of 40 percent.
Is plastic surgery common among Chinese?
Topic 2: Planning career too early is good or bad?
Recently, some so-called education experts said that career planning should start as early as possible. According to them, once children start babbling, the parents need to think about their children's future career so as to make them more successful.
Do you think it is necessary?
Topic 3: Chinese youngster most optimistic According to a recent survey, Chinese young people are the most optimistic across the world, as 82% of them think they live a better life than their parents.
Is it the case?
Topic 4: Are pet dogs a problem in China?
The number of pet dogs in China has been increasing so rapidly during the past couple of decades that the People's Daily carried an article recently saying that the country has to face the reality that it is crowded with pet dogs.
Is there a dog crisis?
Topic 5: Get your university admission notice? No, it's just advertisement!
After gaokao, a high school graduate receives an EMS package with "Admission Notice" on the cover, which turns out to be a real estate advertisement. For many other students, a university admission notice is usually attached with advertising leaflets, sim cards or debit cards.
What exactly is going on?
Topic 6:"Wife-fearing husbands"in ChinaRecently a ranking of most wife-fearing cities went viral on the Chinese Internet. Shanghai, Chengdu, Wuhan and Chaozhou are among the top 4.
Why do these cities top the list?