I covered my eyes with my hands.I had wanted to help thesepeople and their King.How could they decide to punish me ascruelly as this?
Your enemies were most disappointed with Reldresal splan,my friend went on.They said you were a Big—Endian inyour heart,and reminded the King how much you cost Lilliputin food and drink.Reldresal spoke again,to suggest saving money by giving you a little lessfood every day.In this way you’d become ill,and in a few months you’d die.And so they allagreed.
In three days Reldresal will be sent to explain your punishment to you.He'll inform you that theKing has been very kind to you,and that you're lucky to lose only your eyes.You'll be tieddown,and very sharp arrows will be shot into your eyes.The King's doctors will make sure thatyou can no longer see.
This is terrible news! I said,but thank you for warning me,my dear friend.
You alone must decide what to do, he replied,and now I must leave you,so that nobodysuspects me of warning you.