About two weeks after my first visit to the capital,I was visitedby one of the King s most important officials.His name wasReldresal,and he had helped me many times since I hadarrived in Lilliput. I started the conversation.I'm so gladthey've taken away my chains,I told him.Well, myfriend,he answered,let me tell you some-thing.You're onlyfree because the King knows we're in a very dangerous situation.
Dangerous?I cried.What do you mean?
Lilliput has enemies at home and abroad,he explained.For six years now we've had two politicalgroups,the High-Heels and the Low-Heels.Perhaps the High-Heels were more popular inthe past,but as you can see,our present King and all bis officials wear the lowest heels.Thetwo groups hate each other,and a High-Heel will refuse to speak to a Low-Heel.That's theproblem in Lilliput.Now,we're getting in-formation that the people of Blefuscu are going toattack us.
Have you heard of Blefuscu?It's an island very near us,almost as large and important asLilliput.They've been at war with us for three years,you see.But how did this war start?Iasked.