The Fight
We couldn't go outside at all on that cold, [-----1-----]
afternoon.The rain was pouring down, and the wind was blowing
hard.I didn't care, I was happy to stay indoors.Trying to take
long walks in the winter was terrible! It was supposed to be
healthy for our bodies, but I hated coming home in the dark
with my feet and hands as cold as ice. And I was always
unhappy because Bessie, one of the [-----2-----], was always
scolding me. I had always known that I was different from my
cousins, John, Eliza, and Georgiana Reed. They were prettier
and taller than I, and everyone loved them.
These three children were not very nice to other people or to
each other. Usually they spent their time [-----3-----] and
crying with each other. However, today they were with their
mother in the sitting room, sitting quietly and talking in
front of the warm fire. I wanted to join them but Mrs. Reed,
my aunt,said I could not. She was angry with me because Bessie
had told her I was being [-----4-----]
Vocabulary Focus5it was suposed to……:應該干……,例如:You were supposed to
arrive warlier(你應該早點來)