閱讀,不是為了得到什么,而是在被生活打擊的無路可退時最后的安身之所。靜靜等待,閱讀,一定會給予你獎勵。下面是英語美文:Everyone is drunk but me. 眾人皆醉我獨醒的資料,希望你會喜歡!
Everyone is drunk but me. 眾人皆醉我獨醒
It seemed that the market was manipulative. It even plunged so deep that several weeks’ achievement was engulfed. I bought some belligerently when the market declined though those stock commentators were in consensus saying the market would go down next week. Perhaps I was a little brash but I think the market is charismatic when it is thought too bad by most people. According to my buildup the first down-nose was not dread. So much money actually has come into the market up to now. There must be abundant speculative targets in the market. I won’t listen to the short-sellers’ uproar but hunker down recalling the history of the market.