The aim of the would-be utopians was to avert the environmental catastropheimplicit in the population explosion. Of course, the titled Utopia has an ironic cast, for, depending on your perspective and how you view the moral relation between means and ends, this is surely a dystopian as much as a utopian vision.
But then Utopias and Dystopias indissolubly linked, both have a long and honourablecultural history in the English-speaking world. We can go back as far as Thomas More's novel of the early 16th century which coined the term, and we can come forward to the present day Utopia on television.
Doubtless, the future, whatever it may hold in terms of social reality, should contain plenty of fictive Utopias and Dystopias. As to what this kind of speculative fiction actually says and does for us, what function it fulfils for the collective psyche, one thing is clear. It's not about our future, but what's happening to us right now.