To understand what I'm about to tell you, you need to do something first, you need to believe in the impossible.
Can you do that? Good. You see that red blur? That's me. That too. There I am again.
My name is Barry Allen. I am the fastest man alive.
My story is pretty simple. My whole life, I have been running.
Usually from bullies. Sometimes I escaped. Sometimes I did not.
Tell me what happened.
Those guys were picking on kids just 'cause they thought they weren't cool. It wasn't right.
I know.
I guess I wasn't fast enough.
No. You have such a good heart, Barry. And it's better to have a good heart than fast legs.
Hello. I'm home.
Barry got into a fight.
Oh, yeah?
And he won.
Way to go, slugger. And, no more fighting.
But after that night, I was running from something much scarier.
Something I could never explain. - Henry! Henry! -Something impossible.
Mom! - Barry, don't! - Mom! - Don't let him touch you!
Mom! Mom! - Nora! - Stay back!
Nora, hold on!
Run, Barry, run!