如果摩根失敗 他就很有可能會毀掉自己的聲望和名譽
Morgan ratchets up the pressure on Edison,tellinghim to take out the competition in any way he can
摩根對愛迪生施加的壓力越來越大 告訴他務(wù)必設(shè)法除掉競爭
J.P.Morgan was, really,an extraordinary character.
He was steely-eyed, determined, very smart,and somebody who had that characteristic "I'lltake charge". And he did.
他非常堅毅 果敢 聰慧過人 還有一種舍我其誰的氣勢
Feeling the pressure from Morgan,Edison sets out on a mission to prove his direct current isthe safest form of electricity.
感覺到來自摩根的壓力 愛迪生啟動了一項計劃 他要證明直流電是最安全的
The War of the Electric Currents is the dark side of Thomas Edison.
The tactic that Edison took was to persuade people that alternating current was the killercurrent.
愛迪生采取的策略是告誡大眾 交流電是人類殺手
It is a side of Edison we don't normally see.
He begins using Tesla's alternating current in a series of demonstrations,hoping to scare thepublic about AC's power.
他開始使用特斯拉的交流電進行一系列演示 希望嚇退公眾對交流電的興趣
Edison used all sorts of dirty tricks to try to discredit AC.
He killed animals before an audience.
But nothing seems to be slowing the enthusiasm for Tesla's stronger current.
Growing ever more desperate to please Morgan,Edison is relieved when a letter arrives thatcould be his opportunity.
愛迪生比以往任何時候都更想取悅摩根 這時收到的一封信可能將成為他的機會
A New York state prison has been looking to replace hanging as a means of execution.
Many have come to believe that the medieval method is cruel and inhumane.
很多人都開始相信 中世紀的這種方式既殘暴 又不人道
Electricity could provide a useful alternative.
The design Edison envisions is simple,yet groundbreaking.