當你聽到 “電腦狂人”這個詞,你馬上想到的是什么?
Is the geek in your mind's eye a woman? Probablynot.
There's a reason the stereotype of the computergeek is almost always depicted as male.
Around the world, significantly more men thanwomen work in computer science.
Sociologists understand that the underrepresentation of women in the sciences andmathematics isn't simply a matter of women stinking at these subjects or lacking interest inthem.
If women believe they aren't talentedin science and math or that these subjects don't hold interest for them, this is in part a result ofthe widely circulated belief that these subjects come more naturally to men.
Women are thought to be better suited to fields such as education and healthcare.
Women who dare choose a career in the sciences or in math are likely to experience prejudicefrom their male colleagues, as well as from the community at large.
Sociologists found it curious though that the degree to which women are underrepresented incomputer science varies largely from one industrialized country to another.
Women are much better represented in computer science in South Korea, Ireland, and Turkeythan in the Czech Republic, Germany, or Belgium, for example.
Why the difference?
What South Korea, Ireland, Turkey, and the United States all have in common is thatgovernmental education requirements insist that girls and boys alike complete a significantnumber of science and mathematics courses in order to graduate from high school.
As a result of such requirements, girls are able to judge from experience whether their interestsand talents lie in science and math rather than letting gender stereotypes decide for them.