Researchers at the University of Michigan havedeveloped a type of concrete that heals itself whenit cracks. Regular concrete is like ceramic when itbreaks. It really breaks, opening a wide chasm thatrequires serious mending.
Self healing concrete behaves more like metal.It bends without breaking thanks to specialfibers holding it together. Bending or stressing the new concrete creates hairline fracturesinstead of gaping holes. All it takes to mend the tiny fissures is exposure to water and carbondioxide. Chemicals in the concrete mix with water and carbon dioxide to form a healing scar.
In the lab, the concrete was able to heal itself back to nearly full strength after a slab wasstretched to three times its normal size. Self healing concrete could help cut costs forrebuilding not only new roads but also bridges and other structures that use the material.
You won't find self healing concrete on roads just yet. The researchers are working onbringing it to market in the next few years. And when it's ready for widespread use, selfhealing concrete could make potholes a thing of the past.