However, officials warn that ephedra also raises blood pressure. Ephedra has been linked toheart attacks, strokes, seizures and deaths. The secretary of Health and Human Servicesannounced the ban. Tommy Thompson urged people to stop using ephedra even before theban takes effect. He said he did not want to delay the announcement, because people oftentry to lose weight at the start of a new year.
The market has grown sharply for herbal products known as dietary supplements. Companies donot have to prove them safe and effective the way drug makers do.
In nineteen-ninety-four, Congress limited the ability of the Food and Drug Administration totake action against supplements. This is the first ban since then. The ban will not include theversion of ephedra used in medicines to treat breathing infections. Ephedra has long been usedfor this purpose as a traditional medicine in China, where the plant is called ma huang.