Amanda: I just hope it isn't as boring as the lastmovie you made me watch—the one where the maincharacter did nothing but stare at clocks for twohours. I don't understand why we always have to gosee such artsy-fartsy movies. Why can't we just watch a good old-fashioned romantic comedysometimes?
Mike: Going to see those kinds of mainstream Hollywood movies is just going to make yourbrain cells rot. Don't you want a movie to make you think? Don't you want it to cause you tosee the world in profound new ways?
Amanda: Actually, I always thought that we go to the movies because we want to beentertained. I wasn't aware that it was supposed to be educational, like going to school orsomething.
Mike: Shhh... All right, be quiet! The movie's starting.
Amanda: Wait a second! I didn't know Angelina Jolie was going to be in this! I thought thereason you wanted to watch this movie was because it's "experimental."
Mike: It is! It is! Trust me, you'll thank me for bringing you!