Your GI tract is an involuntary muscle which isconstantly contracting and expanding. After you'veeaten, your gastrointestinal muscle contracts andrelaxes in order to move food from your stomach intothe intestines. When the GI tract has finished digesting a meal, it continues to process theliquids and gasses remaining in the intestines. This process often causes your stomach torumble when you're hungry.
Stomach growling is caused by intestinal contractions squeezing and popping intestinal gasses.Actually, stomach rumbles are simply flatulence that stays inside the body. The samecontractions that cause your stomach to growl also clean out the GI tract. To see how thiscleaning movement works, picture a long hose made of a pliable material. If there were anobject, say an egg, at the end of the hose, you could push it from that end to the other bysqueezing all along the length of the hose. This is how the GI tract keeps itself clean.
In order to push out bits of food particles left over from a meal, your gastrointestinal tractcreates waves of contractions all along the length of the intestines at a rate of two or three perminute. All of this activity in your GI tract when you're hungry can be very noisy, as anyonewho has been in the middle of a pre-lunch meeting when stomachs started rumbling can tellyou.