The primary sponsor of the Pell Grant program was Rhode Island Senator, Claiborne Pell, whoserved in the Senate for 36 years. Himself — the product of the nation's finest private schools—Senator Pell took a particular interest the problems that many low-and middle-incomestudents were having in affording college.
As the Baby-Boom Generation entered college in the late 1960s, the college populationswelled—straining college-based financial aid. Eliminating these barriers became an importantpriority for Claiborne Pell. His concerns were addressed by amendments in 1972 to the HigherEducation Act. Originially known as Basic Educational Opportunity Grants, Congress renamedthem Pell Grants in 1980, to honor the efforts of Claiborne Pell in creating them. Assisting onein every four undergraduates, the Pell Grant Program is now the federal government's largestgrant program.