Jello is a trademark name for gelatin, a food that people have enjoyed for generations. Toanswer the question animal, vegetable, or mineral: gelatin is an animal product. It is preparedby soaking the bones, skin, or connective tissue from pigs or cows in a bath of mildhydrochloric acid solution. After this, the animal products are heated in distilled water formany hours, and finally boiled. The fluid that collects from this process is drawn off.
What's left is dried, and ground into a fine, pale yellow powder. This is unflavored gelatin, thebasis of all gelatin salads, desserts, and drinks. Gelatin is valuable as a food because it is pureprotein and it is easy to digest. A gelatin made from vegetable protein, called agar-agar, ismade for vegetarians. When powdered gelatin is stirred into hot water and then chilled, it formsthe jiggly, gelled product that we are most familiar with. This gelled product is not strictly asolid or a liquid.
Technically it's a colloid: a liquid suspended in a solid framework. As the hot mixture coolsoff, the long strands of animal protein lock together into a solid framework, trapping tinydroplets of liquid water in the process. It's these droplets of water, trapped in a mesh of animalprotein, that hold all the coloring and flavoring in your favorite gelatin dessert.