To understand this phenomenon, known as "shuttle glow," you should know something aboutthe region of space where the shuttle orbits. NASA shuttles stay in low Earth orbit, which isgenerally about a hundred and seventy miles above the Earth's surface. At that height, theatmosphere has tapered away to almost nothing--less than a billionth of the pressure it is atground level--but there are still gasses there. Indeed, low Earth orbit is well within theionosphere, a major part of our atmosphere.
The thin gasses of the ionosphere rush past the space shuttle at about five miles per second,forming a very fast, very thin wind. This wind is so thin you'd never be able to feel it, even ifyou stuck your head out the space shuttle window the way a dog sticks it's head out a movingcar. The wind causes two things to happen.
First, it erodes the surfaces of some materials.The erosion is slight, but it can be significantfor camera lenses or other sensitive equipment. Second, the shuttle's surface can scoop upatoms from this wind, and these atoms can undergo chemical reactions. One reaction,involving nitrogen and oxygen, can produce a luminous orange glow. And that's what theastronauts saw. It wasn't a ghost--it was shuttle glow.