The temperature at the Earth's center is estimated to be about seven thousand degreesfahrenheit! Where did all that heat come from? Surprisingly, much of the Earth's heat is leftover from when the planet originally formed, over four billion years ago. The Earth was madeby the collision of billions of planetesimals, chunks of rock and ice much like today's asteroidsand comets. Gravity pulled these planetesimals together, and the young Earth grew slowly, likea snowball, as more and more pieces collided with it.
Each planetesimal would have been moving pretty quickly as it crashed into the new planet,and all that speed was converted into another form of energy—heat. This heat increased evenmore as the material in the Earth's interior compressed and settled under the new planet'sgrowing mass. If all this happened so long ago, why do we still feel the heat left over fromEarth's childhood? It's for the same reason that a cave stays cool in the middle of summer: TheEarth is a remarkable insulator. Heat from the Earth's core takes billions of years to escape tothe surface.