Some sense of the strength of feeling can be gained by glancing through the chapter titles ofMartin J. S. Rudwick's excellent and somber account of the issue, The Great DevonianControversy. These begin innocuously enough with headings such as "Arenas of GentlemanlyDebate" and "Unraveling the Greywacke," but then proceed on to "The Greywacke Defendedand Attacked," "Reproofs and Recriminations," "The Spread of Ugly Rumors," "Weaver RecantsHis Heresy," "Putting a Provincial in His Place," and (in case there was any doubt that this waswar) "Murchison Opens the Rhineland Campaign." The fight was finally settled in 1879 with thesimple expedient of coming up with a new period, the Ordovician, to be inserted between thetwo.