It is hard to imagine now, but geology excited the nineteenth century—positively gripped it—ina way that no science ever had before or would again. In 1839, when Roderick Murchisonpublished The Silurian System, a plump and ponderous study of a type of rock calledgreywacke, it was an instant bestseller, racing through four editions, even though it cost eightguineas a copy and was, in true Huttonian style, unreadable. (As even a Murchison supporterconceded, it had "a total want of literary attractiveness.") And when, in 1841, the greatCharles Lyell traveled to America to give a series of lectures in Boston, sellout audiences ofthree thousand at a time packed into the Lowell Institute to hear his tranquilizing descriptionsof marine zeolites and seismic perturbations in Campania.