In 1683, Halley, Hooke, and Wren were dining in London when the conversation turned to themotions of celestial objects. It was known that planets were inclined to orbit in a particularkind of oval known as an ellipse—"a very specific and precise curve," to quote RichardFeynman—but it wasn't understood why. Wren generously offered a prize worth forty shillings(equivalent to a couple of weeks' pay) to whichever of the men could provide a solution.
Hooke, who was well known for taking credit for ideas that weren't necessarily his own, claimedthat he had solved the problem already but declined now to share it on the interesting andinventive grounds that it would rob others of the satisfaction of discovering the answer forthemselves. He would instead "conceal it for some time, that others might know how to valueit." If he thought any more on the matter, he left no evidence of it. Halley, however, becameconsumed with finding the answer, to the point that the following year he traveled toCambridge and boldly called upon the university's Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, IsaacNewton, in the hope that he could help.