Theses results tell a completely different story from the one suggested by the full year results.
The first set of test results made it look like lower-income kids were somehow failing in the classroom. But when you just look at the school year, you see that that isn't true.
Over the course of fiver years elementary school, poor kids actually "out-learn" the wealthiest kids 189 points to 194 points.
They lag behind the middle-class kids by only a modest amount, and in fact in one year, second grade, they learn more than anyone else.
Now, let's see what happens if we just look at how reading scores change during summer vacation. Here again is a totally different story.
In the summer after first grade, the wealthiest kids come back in September and their reading scores have jumped more than 15 points.
The poorest kids come back from the holidays and their reading scores haver dropped by almost 4 points.
Poor kids may out-learn rich kids during the school year. But during the summer, they fall far behind.
Now suppose we total up all the summer learning gains from first grade to fifth grade.
The reading scores of the poor kids over those four summers go up by .26 points.
When it comes to reading skills, poor kids, in other words, learn nothing when score is not in session.
The reading scores of the rich kids, over the summer holidays, by contrast, go up by a whopping 52 points.
Virtually all of the advantage that wealthy students have over poor students is the result of differences in the way privileged kids learn when they are not in school. What are we seeing here?